Why You Should Participate In Your Retirement Home's Scheduled Activities

Most senior living or retirement homes have a full calendar of on-site activities for their residents to participate in each month. In addition, there are often travel opportunities to events both near and far, either through the senior living facility or a city-based senior group. Why should you take part in these activities? When it comes to aging, there are numerous benefits to exercising your mind and body. The Importance of Staying Connected [Read More]

Single Seniors: Three Points To Consider When Choosing A Retirement Community

Are you a single senior who is considering moving into a retirement community? If so, you may have a mix of emotions. You may be fearful about moving at times, but you may also have moments when you are happy with your decision and anticipate finding the location. As a single person, you will need to consider whether or not you would like to continue to live alone or not. Some retirement communities have matching services available. [Read More]

Dealing With Dementia? Simple Solutions For Stress-Free Care Of An Elderly Parent With Dementia

Watching a healthy parent age can be difficult, but watching a parent with dementia can be stressful and overwhelming. Since dementia causes memory loss, personality changes, paranoia, and aggression; patients with the condition are unable to live independently. Unfortunately, this may cause you to begin the role of caregiver. Considering an estimated 44 million people suffer with Alzheimer's disease or a related form of dementia, your parent may require your help to live safely. [Read More]

Sunshine And Seniors: How Natural Light Can Improve Quality Of Life For Assisted Living Residents

Exposure to natural sunlight can provide numerous benefits to residents of assisted living facilities. This article explains some of these benefits, as well as tips for how to incorporate sun exposure in a nursing home environment. Mood Improvements Depression and other mood disorders are common in assisted living populations. Because of their need for care, many elderly patients spend a significant portion of their time indoors under artificial lighting conditions. Light therapy has been shown to offer mood-related benefits to individuals that live in areas with extended winter seasons or experience consistent cloud cover. [Read More]