Preparing For A Move To A Retirement Community
If you are of retirement age and you are finding it a bit tough to do normal tasks in your household, there are several options you can take in getting things done without injuring yourself in the process. Moving to a retirement community can be a huge help as there are several amenities available to help assist elders with household tasks. You will also have the benefit of living in a safe, friendly community with others in your age bracket. Here are some tips you can use to help in preparing for a move to a retirement community.
Make Plans For Furniture
Obtain a floor plan schematic from the retirement community you plan on moving to so you can start plotting out your furniture placement. Call several moving companies and obtain quotations for your furniture moving so you do not get stuck paying a high price at the last minute. If the retirement homes have furniture available already, you will need to hold a sale or give away the pieces you have in your current home.
Tend To Your Old Home
The belongings in your current home will need to be sorted through and packed. This is the perfect time to get rid of clutter you will not be needing during your next phase of life. Pick up packing materials and start placing items in boxes, labeling with the room you wish for them to be placed when they arrive at the new home in the retirement community. Clean the interior of your home if you are planning on putting it on the market so the realtor will be prepared to start showing it to prospective buyers as soon as you move into your new home.
Get Paperwork In Order
If you are moving to an entirely different town or state, you will need to find a local bank to take care of your money when you move in. Research this well in advance and move some funds to the new institution so you are able to access it upon your arrival. Make copies of all important paperwork and keep it the originals with you during the move. This way, if something happens to one copy, you have the other in your possession. Obtain paperwork from your local post office so you can change your address to the retirement community.
Take A Walk Through
Familiarizing yourself with your new community will be helpful in making the move more exciting. You will feel a sense of familiarity with the area, giving you a bit of comfort when you arrive. Stop into the community recreation center or restaurant, and grab some schedules of activities and a menu so you have it available when you move in. Walk or drive through the streets and take the time to speak with others you come into contact with. Introducing yourself to some of your neighbors will make you feel more at home when you move in. They may be able to help you with any problems that arise in the beginning days as well.
For a retirement community in your area, contact a facility such as Heritage Commons.